Devlog #1 - Basic updates and demo news!

Hello, wonderful people out there, and welcome to the first devlog for Arcana! This is gonna be a short one, since it's just a bit of context given for the development of the game and talking about the demo.

First on the agenda - some expectations for this game. I am a singular person, so this game is not only going to take some time, but it's not going to look perfect. I'm making the entire game on RPG Maker MV with pretty much ONLY the default assets that the program comes with. So with this game, I'm focusing more on the gameplay and story rather than the visuals. Maybe one day I'll have the time or the resources to either make custom assets myself or hire someone to do it, but for now, the base look of RPG Maker is the look of Arcana.

Second - the demo! Arcana is divided up into days, with each day ending with a dream-dungeon section, so the demo will consist of only the first day. I'm NEARLY done with this part of the game, so expect the demo in as soon as this next week! Although it might take longer than expected, I notoriously bite off more than I can chew with these kinds of projects.

Lastly, if you're here, thank you! I hope I can share this game development journey with at least a few other people, as it's a brand new experience for me.


Header image made by Ampraeh on DeviantArt (

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