Devlog #3 - Notes System, Small Updates, & Demo News

Hello, hello, everyone! It's been a minute! I've been busy preparing for the holidays, ironing out some stuff with the game, and, as you can probably see, making a temporary demo (as well as sprucing up the game page)! This temp demo isn't meant to be flawless, it's more for beta testers and anyone who wants to get a look at the beginning of the project. Feel free to try it out if you don't mind dealing with potentially game-breaking bugs! New versions will go up as I get notified of bugs and problems that exist. 

Second point on the agenda is art news! One of my friends reached out to me about sprites and offered to do some sprite work and tile work for free, which was super nice of her! However, since it IS a  gig that doesn't pay, it's not the top of her priorities, so it may take some time. But still, it's a start to giving Arcana its own unique feel!

Last point - a new feature has been added to the game; notes! 

Since Arcana is all about the characters, the world, and also the puzzles, I figured it would be good to have, so that the player can keep track of some of those things. This note system is implemented through the Player Notepad plugin by Aloe Guvner (, who also made the Conditional Choices plugin that I also use in Arcana! Their stuff is super neat so be sure to check it out.

And that's all for today! Since I'm now on break for the holidays, I should have plenty of time to work on Arcana, so progress on the game will go even faster now!

And with that, happy holidays and thank you for reading!

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